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YUVAGYAN HASTAKSHAR LATEST ISSUE 01-15 JULY 2024,     GO’S SLOTS GIVEN TO OTHER AIRLINES,     EX CABINET SECRETARY IS THE ICICI CHAIRMAN,     TURBULENCE SOMETIMES WITHOUT WARNING,     ARMY TO DEVELOP HYDROGEN FUEL CELL TECH FOR E- E-MOBILITY,     ONE MONTH EXTENSION FOR ARMY CHIEF,     YUVAGYAN HASTAKSHAR LATEST ISSUE 1-15 JUNE 2024,     A.J. Smith, winningest GM in Chargers history, dies,     पर्यायवाची,     Synonyms,     ANTONYM,     क्या ईश्वर का कोई आकार है?,     पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी उपयोग में आने वाले कुछ घरेलू उपाय,     10वीं के बाद कौन सी स्ट्रीम चुनें?कौन सा विषय चुनें? 10वीं के बाद करियर का क्या विकल्प तलाशें?,     मई 2024 का मासिक राशिफल,     YUVAHASTAKSHAR LATEST ISSUE 1-15 MAY,     खो-खो खेल का इतिहास - संक्षिप्त परिचय,     उज्जैन यात्रा,     कैरम बोर्ड खेलने के नियम,     Review of film Yodha,     एशियाई खेल- दुनिया के दूसरे सबसे बड़े बहु-खेल प्रतिस्पर्धा का संक्षिप्त इतिहास,     आग के बिना धुआँ: ई-सिगरेट जानलेवा है,     मन क्या है?,     नवरात्रि की महिमा,     प्रणाम या नमस्ते - क्यूँ, कब और कैसे करे ?,     गर्मी का मौसम,     LATEST ISSUE 16-30 APRIL 2024,     Yuva Hastakshar EDITION 15/January/2024,     Yuvahastakshar latest issue 1-15 January 2024,     YUVAHASTAKSHAR EDITION 16-30 DECEMBER,    



45 crore active Internet users were in rural India as per the reports up to 2023. In comparison, only 38 crore active users were in urban areas. In 2023, the number increased to 82 crores(approximately) from 62 crores of last year 2022. The growth is 78% in the rural area from last year. It is reported that approximately 90% of Internet users surf daily spending an average of 1.5 hours. While e-commerce, digital payments, and online learning are urban-centric activities. OTT, Communication, social media, and online gaming are equally distributed. Only 28% of countrymen use cash on delivery in online shopping and the rest use online payment modes only 70% of digital payment users are from urban India.

The report shows 86% of Internet users or 71 crore people are signed up for OTT audio and video services. About 76% use the Internet for communication,70% for social media, and 53% for online gaming. Over 80% of OTT users use music streaming apps. Music streaming growth is very high. The rise of digital entertainment services is also very high due to the rise of non-traditional devices like, smart TVs, smart speakers, fire sticks, and Chrome cast. There are more people accessing video content on the internet only 21 crore on devices and 18 crore on conventional TV. This shows that India is going in a digitized way very fast.

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