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Today: 43



South Africa Reopens Border Crossing With Mozambique

The Lebombo Port of Entry, South Africa's main border crossing with Mozambique, has officially reopened following a temporary closure due to election-related protests in Mozambique


चन्द्र नव वर्ष (Lunar New Year)

चन्द्र नव वर्ष (ल्यूनर न्यू ईयर) एक रंगीन उत्सव है जो दुनिया भर में मनाया जाता है। जानिए इसकी परंपराएँ, चीनी नव वर्ष के इतिहास और जश्न का माहौल, जो 14वीं शताब्दी से मनाया जा रहा है, और दीपावली जैसे जश्न को मनाने का तरीका।


दिल्ली में बंदर ढूंढ़ें अपना घरोंदा

शहरीकरण और घटते वन क्षेत्रों के कारण बंदर अब दिल्ली की सड़कों, इमारतों और घरों में अपना घरोंदा ढूंढ़ने को मजबूर हैं


Samartha, a Receptionist Robot to Welcome Visitors

Samartha, an advanced receptionist robot. This innovative creation, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), has been meticulously crafted by the school's talented AI lab students over a focused span of three months.


Employment Surging in India's Capital-Intensive Industries

India's manufacturing sector has experienced significant growth, particularly in capital-intensive sub-sectors such as electronics, chemicals, and machinery


Simplify Centralised Registration Process- Doctors Urge National Medical Commission

The National Medical Register (NMR) introduced by the Health Ministry to maintain a consolidated list of allopathic doctors in India


Port Infrastructure Gets a Boost in Chennai

A new infrastructure project, valued at Rs 187.33 crore, has recently been inaugurated at the Chennai and Ennore Kamarajar ports


Researchers at MIT-Bangalore developed a model to teach drones and robots to be more responsible

Researchers at MIT-Bangalore developed a model to teach drones and robots to be more responsible


Improved TB Treatment

India combats TB with an enhanced Nikshay Poshan Yojana, doubling monthly benefits to ₹1,000 and adding a ₹3,000 diagnosis aid


Shortage of Talent in Semiconductors Field

India faces a semiconductor talent shortage, despite its potential to lead in digital tech. Industry experts urge initiatives for skilled training to bridge the gap and support the vision of creating Indian-made chips for global devices